Family Movie Night
Grab your chairs, blankets and comfort snacks and join us for a family movie night as we watch a family film (to be announced) on Friday, January 24th. Doors open at 5:45pm and movie starts at 6pm, all are welcome!
Lectio Devina: 5 Week Course
Join us for a 5 week in-person study exploring a form of reading and prayer called Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina is an approach to Scripture that emphasizes reading a passage slowly, prayerfully and with imagination to make space for God to speak to our hearts and minds. The class begins on Monday, January 27th from 6:45-8pm in classroom 6 at FLC. Contact Elaine Owen at: with questions or to join. No book or fee.
Burrow Potluck
The Burrow is an open small group for families of young-ish kids and these potlucks are a time of unstructured fellowship over dinner. All families who have attended in the past, are interested in testing out the group, or who want to be part of the group without the weekly commitment are welcome to join us on January 14th at 6pm. Contact Marci at for the meeting location or with any other questions!
Shoulder to Shoulder
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for Biscuits and Gravy. S2S meets January 11th at 9am. We will provide said biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and coffee. Please RSVP Doug Parrott at
Christmas Eve Service
We will be having our Christmas Eve service on Sunday, December 24th at 6pm. You’re invited to come with your family as we light the final advent candle and celebrate the birth of our Lord..
Rev. David Hatton Celebration of Life
We will have a Celebration of Life for our beloved Rev. David Hatton on Saturday, December 14th, 2025 at 1pm at Faith Legacy Church. All are invited to remember, grieve, and celebrate this amazing man.
Parent's Night Out
Parent's Night Out is back! We are so excited to bring back this opportunity for you to have some quality time with your spouse, friends or even just a night to yourself!
Where? Faith Legacy Church
Who? Walkers-12 years old
When? Sunday, December 8th from 4:00pm-7:00pm
How much? $10 or $25 for a family rate of 3 or more kids includes crafts, dinner and more
Second Sunday
Second Sundays is an adult Bible study class at 9am before our regular 10am service on the Second Sunday of every month. There is no childcare provided.
Service of Remembrance
We are hosting a Service of Remembrance on Sunday, December 1st from 7-8pm. This service is to make space in a busy holiday season to remember those who are no longer with us; to honor them and grieve. Please join us for a quiet candle light service of reflection, music, and prayer.
Church Family Work Day
It’s time for our Fall Work Day! We have lots of odd jobs that need to be done around the campus and would appreciate all the help we can get. Please email us at to let us know if you can make it so we can plan for the provided lunch.
Women's Bunco Night
Join us for another evening of fun and fellowship as we play Bunco! No experience needed, and all friends are welcome.
Second Sunday
Second Sundays is an adult Bible study class at 9am before our regular 10am service on the Second Sunday of every month. There is no childcare provided.
Burrow Potluck
The Burrow is an open small group for families of young-ish kids and we host a family potluck once a month. These are a time of unstructured fellowship and is open to all families who have attended in the past, are interested in testing out the group, or who want to be part of the group without the weekly commitment. No childcare is provided these nights and we use a google spreadsheet for theme and sign up. Contact Marci at with any questions!
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Set your clocks back an hour to arrive at church on time, or don’t and take advantage of our coffee shop and grab a drink before service. Coffee Cup doors open at 9am!
Join us October 26th for our biggest community event of the year! This free festival includes inflatables, trunk or treat, cotton candy, popcorn and more; come in your best costume and bring the whole family!
Second Sunday
Second Sundays is an adult Bible study class at 9am before our regular 10am service on the Second Sunday of every month. There is no childcare provided.
Shoulder to Shoulder
Join us and be welcome to eat breakfast burritos and fellowship with the Shoulder to Shoulder group on Saturday October 12th at 9am in the Fellowship Hall at Church. Please RSVP to Doug Parrott at
Financial Peace University Course
Faith Legacy is beginning a 9-week course with Financial Peace University on Sundays after service beginning Oct 6th. We have 10 spaces available (one couple per space). Early-bird registration at discounted price of $60 - until September 25th.
Worship Night
Join us on Friday, September 27th, from 7-9pm for a Worship Night. We have invited multiples churches in our city and look forward to worshipping as one community. This will be a high energy event that is geared toward ages junior high and above.
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Come pray for our community, for the church, and God’s world, using the Book of Common Prayer every Wednesday at 8:15am in Room 6 and via Zoom. Email Pastor Richard for Zoom link and if you have any other questions:
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Come pray for our community, for the church, and God’s world, using the Book of Common Prayer every Wednesday at 8:15am in Room 6 and via Zoom. Email Pastor Richard for Zoom link and if you have any other questions:
The Burrow Kickoff!
A space for young-ish families* to share our chaotic lives, pray and learn together! For more info contact Marci Rohlfing at
*Childcare provided
Shoulder to Shoulder
Join us for a S2S breakfast and fellowship at church. We'll serve pancakes, sausage, and coffee. If you want to bring something please feel free. Please text or email an RSVP to Doug Parrott at
Co-Ed Small Group Begins
Co-ed Bible study. Join us every other Thursday as we study the Bible together. This group breaks for the Summer and begins again on September 12th. Led by Hank and Leslie Garcia
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Come pray for our community, for the church, and God’s world, using the Book of Common Prayer every Wednesday at 8:15am in Room 6 and via Zoom. Email Pastor Richard for Zoom link and if you have any other questions:
Community Bible Study Begins!
CBS is a non-denominational Bible Study composed of people from many different churches. CBS’s vision is Transformed Lives through the Word of God. This study meets at American River Community Church and is hosted by members of FLC.
Second Sunday
Second Sundays is an adult Bible study class at 9am before our regular 10am service on the Second Sunday of every month. There is no childcare provided.
Women’s Bible Study
Join our women’s bible study this Fall! Our 8 week video and book study meets on Wednesdays from September 4th-October 23rd and will be going through Lysa TerKeurst’s Finding I Am, led by Katrina Williams. Books are $16 and can be ordered through Marci Rohlfing at
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Come pray for our community, for the church, and God’s world, using the Book of Common Prayer every Wednesday at 8:15am in Room 6 and via Zoom. Email Pastor Richard for Zoom link and if you have any other questions:
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Come pray for our community, for the church, and God’s world, using the Book of Common Prayer every Wednesday at 8:15am in Room 6 and via Zoom. Email Pastor Richard for Zoom link and if you have any other questions: